Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day Two

We went to Lava Lands today and there was also a ton of trees but I could also see hills beyond hills. We listened to 7 people talk and I loved listening to every words that came out of their mouths. First was Jim Elliot and he was the lead ranger that came to get us at the vans when we arrived at the place and he walked us to meet the rest of the people. Second, Sarah Bothell and she worked in motorized recreation, she told us her pathway to find her work and what she did to get there. Third, Simon Freeman works as a civil engineer and he told us everything that he has done so far and he explained that they were going to do work on the building that we were at and that if we came back next year that it would be totally different. Next, Katie Chipko who works as excutive director and she told us that she was looking forward to being a teacher and that she loved teaching so she became involved in this program and since then it's been running and everything. After her was Jeff Bab, and he was telling us how his life lead him to love being in Fire Management and how it has changed his life, he is in a wheelchair and has told us that even after he was put in a wheelchair he was still able to work for fire management. Next, Ms. Kassidy Kern, she was talking and was explaining that she worked in many different areas in her job and said that we shouldn't feel committed and that we should be able to be free and do tons of things in life she works as a Public Affairs Specialist.

After they talked they took us on a bus up the hill and let us see the view of the whole place which was very beautiful and amazed me very much. I enjoyed everything that we did and I'm sure glad that they had enough time to talk to us. I loved today and everything that we did, we still did that talk at dinner thing and I really am not getting used to it.

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